Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Where I see myself 10 years from now.

        In 10 years from now I want to have accomplished everything, from college to finally traveling        the world with my friends.
   First I would love to go to college a year after high school. My choices would have to be Malcolm X, or DePaul university because those are great schools for art and for photography. Hopefully I will graduate with honors as well. After that I will work at a foot locker and save up enough money to buy a loft or a condo. After that has been accomplished I will take Art school and start to work on photography and art. I will focus my photography on taking photos of the city, and photos of buildings, and art around town. Once I start to get older and more responsible I will want to adopt two baby pit bulls. Once hopefully I have accomplished all of this I will want to travel the world with my friends. This is what I hope for and wish for in ten years. 

                                            What and where do you see yourself in 10 years?


  1. Where in the world do you want to travel to the MOST? Where have you been already? Studying art and photography sounds great! Do you already take any art of photography classes?

  2. Hey, I'm your blog buddy Lindsey. I love going to the city and taking beautiful pictures. I went to friends house, and she had an awesome view. My room is filled with Chicago stuff.
